J Patel

balance between optimism and realism

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thoughts on development in gujarat

Its been lot discussed, and yet there is not enough number to convince people. I have been in Gujarat in India and then in New Jersey, so by no means I am saying that Gujarat is better than other states, but if you reading this and you are from other state you will be the judge on that comparison. I’ll provide comparison based on how it was in 90’s or 2000 and now in 2013/2014


I was privileged to go to private school, thanks to my working mom and dad. However, as my mom is teacher in government public school in village since last 30+ year, so I can provide the insight in the change happened in last 10 or so years. The administration keeps the teachers accountable for lot of things, which pushes them for higher performance. They are asked to organize ‘Varshik Ramtotsav’ (Annual Games between schools), Science Fair, Cultural Activities, Short trip to near by locations and these...

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Hypocrisy at Height

‘Main to bahot chota aadmi hun, aur ek aam aadmi hun’ - AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal on several occasions during TV interviews.

However, as soon as police takes him for briefing/asks permission on his road shows and visit in Gujarat, his supporters comes on the street and he claims that how can they do this to ex-cm.

May I ask if the state police anywhere would detain Modi or Sonia Gandhi for the same reasons? They dare not - but they dare to detain Kejriwal! - Ashutosh on his NDTV Blog

Does that mean you should get same treatment as those whom you are calling corrupt? In Delhi you are complaining that Police is not doing their work, in Gujarat you are complaining that Police has no right to do it. When the fact is as soon as the Election Commission announce the date, police reports to election commission and not to state government.

On the funny note - This week (week of March 3)...

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Regular jobs analogy with government party.

In real world, you get bonus or promotion when you have done something above your day to responsibility. When we talk about government one can apply that analogy, that they can get bonus or promotion in what terms. Let’s try to define their obvious responsibilities -

  • Controlling inflation so that people can leave life in the appropriate balanced wages

  • Law and order - means everyone gets safety, justice, security

  • Create opportunity and new jobs - so people have better options and you help to build well settled society

  • Provide education - which helps an. Set the benchmark for the future generation

Now if you start judging on each points, I am sure it’s hard to believe that present government has done anything which they were suppose to do as per the their regular job profile. Instead they taking credit for passing the bills like janlokpal...

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Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we dont need. - Tyler Durden, Fight Club

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I quit

Telangana bill: Andhra Pradesh chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy may quit today TOI

Kejariwal is setting example - If you don’t agree with me, if things don’t go as I or my people expected, I quit. Not defending, not opposing, just worried with kind of politics AAP has started and because of that other parties started following the same.

Followed by protest at jantar mantar (similarly as AAP), seems like demands are not meeting, Kiran Kumar Reddy may quit today. It seems like, lot of candidates trying to win the people by this emotional attempts. Lets see till LS2014 what other innovative ways they use to prove the point.

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Vote bank

Its been long 60 years that political parties playing with people for the votes. As most of the people knows the different mediums like reservation, temple, riots, price hike, subsidies etc.

For coming loksabha election UPA is on roll, as I am sure they already know their chances (and if they don’t than they are just doing Argumentum ad Populum) Here are some of the gimmicks played so far -

Dec 17, 2013 - Rahul Gandhi takes credit for lokpal bill

  • The whole nation knows about who was fighting since last 2+ years for lokpal bill, after so many hurdles it was passed in Rajya Sabha and congress shamelessly gave credit to Rahul Gandhi. Is he brain dead or their so called spokes persons have any self-respect left? Every time you see Sanjay Jha or Randeep Surjewala on news channels, they defend and say words in favor or Congress so blindly that makes you think that there is no one out...

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Why Aam Aadmi can’t blame Khas Aadmi for corruption

Here are some titles I thought about this post, but couldn’t put it as it doesn’t justify what I am writing below -

  • Why AAP is is not only option.
  • What change the society needs.
  • Who is AAM AADMI.

The reason why AAP started was anti-corruption movement, and whats the definition of corruption, its not which is limited to PMO office or central government. Ofcrouse everyone wants to talk about swiss bank, farm houses, and illegal land acquisition, those are big pocket money takers. As much as that needs to be cleaned, if we are saying that that corruption is done by ‘KHAS AADMI , the other part of corruption is happening among 'AAM AADMI’ and here are some points for starters -

  • Parents paying bribe to get into school, college, even tuition (seriously? you need to pay extra money to get your kid into tuition. You suppose to ask for more accountability from school.)
  • Individual paying...

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Things AAP should be cautious about

Before you start reading it, I want to express that I would like AAP to succeed and change the politics of india.

So far its been like movie ride, where common man is taking on big heads and succeeding at different front. Who doesn’t like it? Recently after the election results, few things I regularly notice on news channels, twitter and debates which worries me deeply. Its not promises made by Mr. Kejriwal or AAP, its not cold fight triggered by media between Mr. Kejriwal and Anna, its not congress or BJP, its the statements made by Kumar Vishwas and Ankit Lal and few other party folks. You look at their twitter feed its like race to show that they are better than others, instead of showing development and changes which they are bringing which initiates, provokes hate messaging and change perception about the party. (If you don’t trust me compare quick twitter feed of Arvind Kejriwal...

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Is politics and acting genetic?

If you look at number of political families of india and Bollywood families you will be surprised. In both categories it covers majority of the people in their respective profession (mainstream and percentage wise).

We are seeing it since years and thats why probably never bothered to think and ask why its this way. Is it because the acting and politics flowing their DNA? of-course not, I don’t think it needs any scientific proof. Lets take one by one and see if we can come to any conclusion or possible reasons.


  • Because parents are so rich, they want to pass their legacy and continue holding their presense/stack in the industry. (Amitabh Bachaan -Abhisek Bachaan, Rakesh Roshan - Hritik Roshan, Firoz Khan - Fardeen Khan, Jitendra - Tushar Kappor and many more ) though in this case parents can afford to launch their son/daughter so many times and afford to loose money until...

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Thought on AAP in Delhi

Some analysis on having AAP leading Delhi -


  • Common man will have voice and see the leaders are like themselves (not son and daughter of previous leaders)
  • People in government will not be abusing their power as their leader doesn’t.
  • Educated and honest person as leader.
  • Transparency
  • Accountability (As they post each and every action reasoning on website for public)


Might be some hurdle initially as new party, but hey, there is always learning

They might not be able to deliver on all the promises they made, and opposing parties make big fuss about it. I think people will be that smart that they will be able to see the difference.

I think what points AAP stands for are really appealing, and make any person support for those cause, but its about time they stop arguing with Congress and BJP as they don’t deserve the attention which AAP supports is giving it to them on news...

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