Why Aam Aadmi can’t blame Khas Aadmi for corruption

Here are some titles I thought about this post, but couldn’t put it as it doesn’t justify what I am writing below -

The reason why AAP started was anti-corruption movement, and whats the definition of corruption, its not which is limited to PMO office or central government. Ofcrouse everyone wants to talk about swiss bank, farm houses, and illegal land acquisition, those are big pocket money takers. As much as that needs to be cleaned, if we are saying that that corruption is done by ‘KHAS AADMI , the other part of corruption is happening among 'AAM AADMI’ and here are some points for starters -

The list can go on and on, this are just few things came to my mind while writing this. This are micro corruptions which AAM AADMI is introducing in society and some of them are so basic that without knowing everyone is contributing thinking that everyone does that.

Few quick workaround also might be able to help to improve certain situation. Here are some thing to start with -

Now when AAP is saying that we are AAM AADMI all the above things done by AAM AADMI Ofcourse the people who takes bribe are government officials but the person pays for also equally culprit in this cases. They are representing rickshaw driver, who often drives on wrong side, charges extremely high price if you are new in area, pays bribe to traffic police upon breaking the law, parks on road. They are representing Merchants, small vendors who pays bribe on every small step to get their work done. Moral of the story is its not AAP or any parties fight to fight against corruption, its individual’s choice. You as individual has a choice which you make time to time ant thats what got all of us here, when your minor works also doesn’t move forward without placing money on the table. The same individual whom you initially paying 10Rs at some stage, he gets progressed in system and come up with the formula where he might think that I have got this many promotion and at my position I am suppose to get 10x bribe. Just by saying that politicians are doing corruption of crores doesn’t justify common man’s 10 Rs bribe, because matter of fact in this case severity is not measured in relative manner.

In my opinion people need to take charge and keep the officials accountable, you don’t need any party to offer something at 50% or free, you want to leave with dignity and have them create development opportunity and transparent governance for better life. Because honesty and activism of few individuals won’t get you there where our nation should be, it requires lot more than that.

If you disagree with anything feel free to post comment below, as this discussion doesn’t end here.


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